More than 3.2 billion people are unreached
for Jesus Christ and without hope.
Let's reach the unreached of our world together!
Reach The Unreached
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Bringing life and
hope to those who
are without God.
Our vision is to help see The Great Commission of Jesus Christ completed in this generation by training 300,000 indigenous pastors and church planting missionaries to help generate Church Planting and Disciple Making Movements in 1,000 of the world’s Unreached Peoples.
The reality of the unreached
3 Billion+
people are currently unreached with the Gospel
die each day without ever hearing the Gospel message
entire ethnic groups are unreached with the Gospel
of the world’s unreached peoples live in the 10/40 Window area (North Africa, the Middle East, and Central, Southern, and Southeast Asia)
What does Mission Catalyst do?

Train Key Leaders & National Pastors

Great Commission Equipping Training

Evangelism &Church Planting
How we reach the unreached
We train national pastors and missionary church planters with our Great Commission Equipping Training.
MCI currently has three USA Master Trainers and 46 Indigenous Master Trainers who have been trained by Mission Catalyst staff and who are currently training national pastors and key church leaders in the world’s most unreached countries.
Our MCI Great Commission Training materials are now available in 25 languages, including all the world’s major languages, with emphasis on the following areas:
- Being more effective at evangelism
- The discipling of new believers
- How to birth daughter congregations
- How to specifically target unreached peoples for church planting
- How to release more workers into the harvest.
Since Our Inception In 2002, We Have Seen
Trainings help by Mission Catalyst Master Trainers
National pastors and church planters trained
New believers confirmed
New church plants confirmed
The Challenge
Reaching the
- Nearly three billion people have never heard the Good News about Jesus for the first time.
- Each day 42,800 die without ever hearing the Gospel message
- More than 7,000 entire ethnic groups are currently unreached with the Gospel
- 70% of the world’s unreached peoples live in the 10/40 Window area (North Africa, the Middle East, and Central, Southern, and Southeast Asia)
Our Work
Training National Workers For The End-Time Harvest
Mission Catalyst trains national church planting missionaries to reach those who have not heard. From our inception in 2002, Mission Catalyst has conducted more than 2,300 Great Commission Equipping Trainings. Through them some 150,000 national leaders have been trained for more effective ministry among the world’s least-reached peoples. Through their efforts more than 100,000 people have come to Christ.
With USA Master Trainers
In the beginning most of the training of national pastors and missionary church planters was done by USA Master Trainers. Now only a small portion of the training is done by USA trainers
With Indigenous Master Trainers
The vast majority of our training is now done through our 46 highly trained indigenous Master Trainers. They are doing a superb job training native pastors, evangelists, and church planters in their own countries, in their own mother languages, and with deep understanding of their cultures and thought-forms.
Areas of Emphasis
The training given to national pastors, evangelists, and church-planting missionaries concentrates on how to be more effective at evangelism, the discipling of new believers, how to birth daughter congregations, how to specifically target Unreached Peoples for church planting, and how to release more workers into the harvest.
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We love hearing from you. Feel free to send us your thoughts, prayers or questions. We will respond as our staff is able.