What We Do
Training Nationals
God has given MCI a powerful vision and strategy to help reach the most unreached countries of the world. Instead of sending Western missionaries who take years to raise support, learn the language and culture of the people, and develop a trust in foreigners, we train indigenous pastors, evangelists, and missionary church planters who already know the language and culture to effectively bring the Gospel and plant churches among those who have not heard. And we do so with our tried and proven training materials which are available in all the world’s primary languages. And we do this for a fraction of the cost of sending Western missionaries. Because these workers are native, they live on the economic level of their communities. Therefore, we do not incur expensive salaries and housing and travel costs.
Discipling Belivers
The essence of Jesus’ command in what is known as The Great Commission is to “make disciples of all nations (ethnic groups).” He did not tell us to make converts or church members. He told us to make disciples (baptizing them and teaching them to do all the things Jesus had commanded). But this is precisely what most churches and mission agencies are not doing. They are not effectively producing committed disciples of Jesus Christ.
Mission Catalyst has developed a simple, practical, and time tested method of discipling both the believers in a congregation and new believers who come to Christ. Mature believers meet with new believers to build a relationship with them and help them quickly grow in their walk with God. New believers are taught to pray for lost family, friends, and neighbors, to witness to them, and to disciple those who become followers of Jesus. We have seen tens of thousands of believers discipled to become devoted Christians.
Planting Churces
The Bible clearly teaches that the local church, the fellowship of believers in each community, is the Body of Christ and is where believers learn to grow in love for each other and in devoted service to Christ. The problem in many of the countries where we work, where there are few believers and where there is significant opposition and even persecution, is that church buildings cannot be built because they attract too much attention. Also, building church buildings is quite costly for people who are in poverty.
So, the best answer to this dilemma is to form house churches where believers meet in one of the homes of a believer in the area. Over the past 20 years MCI has seen thousands upon thousands of house churches formed in the Unreached World.
Unreached Peoples
Many do not realize that there are more than three billion people in the world who have yet to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the first time. Most of them live in an area of the world called the 10/40 Window, the countries located between 10 degrees latitude and 40 degrees latitude on a world map. This includes the countries of North Africa, the Middle East, and southern, central, and eastern Asia. Approximately 70% of the world’s Unreached Peoples reside in countries located within the 10/40 Window. The six most unreached countries of the world are India, China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Indonesia. These are the areas where MCI focuses its work.
In this Unreached World, there are more than 7,000 distinct ethnic groups who are considered unreached with the Gospel. These unreached ethnic groups are the primary target of Mission Catalyst. The best we can ascertain, more than 42,000 people each day die somewhere in the world who have never heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ for even the first time. This breaks the heart of God and should break our hearts, also.